What will I get when Galway Gas service my boiler?
We will thoroughly inspect your entire gas system. All work is carried out to I.S. 813 standards for domestic installations and I.S. 820 for commercial installations. Below is the minimum that we check.
Gas Pipework Installation
We will check your entire gas line to ensure that there are no leaks. We ensure that all gas supply regulators and connectors are suitable and within date, with no damage or wear.
Gas Appliance Location
We will check to ensure that you appliance is in a suitable location in accordance with the most up to date safety standards, for example a suitable distance from all combustible materials. We will also inspect all safety clearance distances for flues, gas cylinder sites and appliances. We will check to ensure there is adequate ventilation for your appliance and that it is in the correct location.
Gas Appliance Visual Inspection
We will check boiler, fire or other appliance for visual damage. This includes the appliance itself, it’s surrounding location, the entire run of the flue system and any terminations. We will check all condensate drainage systems (when installed) for correct location and design.
Gas Appliance Flue/Chimney
We will check for flue spillage (where appropriate) and test along the entire length of the flue system for damage. We will also check the effectiveness of flue when cold as well as with boiler running.
Gas Appliance Operation and Components
We will check appliance for correct operation. We will check the main burner and clean as necessary, check the pilot burner and probes/cables and clean as necessary, check the heat exchanger and clean as necessary, check/adjust and record main burner pressure (as per manufacturer’s instructions) and we will check/adjust the system water pressure (as per manufacturer’s instructions)
We will inspect the safe operation of the boiler pump, fan, gas valve, PCB, expansion vessel (where required),
Gas Appliance Safety Devices
We will inspect the safe operation of the boiler thermostats, water pressure gauge and flame sensing controls. We will also check for gas soundness of appliance with boiler running.
Electrical Installation
We will check the entire electrical system for damage and correct connection to appliance. Also we will check for electrical isolation and correct 3-amp fuse is fitted.
Premises Safety Devices
We will inspect all carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on site to ensure that they are in date and operating correctly.
Gas Appliance Controls
We will check all consumer controls such as time clocks, zone valves and thermostats.
Boiler Combustion Efficiency Tests
We will check your boiler efficiency and safety using a calibrated analyser and provide you with a printout of the results along with your RGII Cert 3.
Official Registered Gas Installers of Ireland Paperwork
On completion of your service you will receive your official RGII Certificate of Conformance #3 to show
Why get your gas boiler serviced?
As with all heating appliances, your gas boiler needs to be serviced once a year, as recommended by the manufacturers, to ensure that it is operating efficiently and safely. An efficient boiler is more environmental friendly leading to lower gas consumption, therefore lowering your bills.
The safety aspect is even more critical as a regularly serviced boiler will operate safely i.e. the gas will burn correctly, reducing the risk of emissions of poisonous Carbon Monoxide and / or production of soot.
How often should you service your gas boiler or fire?
It is important to have your boiler serviced regularly to ensure your central heating is running efficiently and safely. It can also help reduce your heating costs and prevent major repairs.
Appliance manufacturers and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) recommend that all appliances should be serviced annually.
Who should service your gas boiler?
It is illegal for anybody other than a Registered Gas Installer to service your boiler.
Your gas boiler should only be serviced by a Registered Gas Installer (RGI) as he/she will have the required competency and experience to deal with the servicing, repair and setup of gas appliances. The RGI will also check if the boiler is correctly installed and operating in a suitable environment.